The descendants of Warren and Cora Meservey will be gathering
At the Chula Community Center in Chula, Missouri
To celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the
You are invited to come on down for some good ol'
Family Fun Down on the Farm!
Saturday, August 8th
Sandwich Supper @ 6:00 p.m.--drinks will be provided
Home-Towner's--bring sandwiches and table service for your own family
Out-of-Towner's--bring chips, dips, relishes, or desserts and table service for your own family
Entertainment--immediately following supper
Pedal Tractor Pull-ages 5-adult
"Family Fun Down on the Farm"-games for young and old alike
Catchin' up with family & friends
Sunday, August 9th
Family Worship Service @ 11:00 a.m.--led by Bob Harryman Family Lunch @ 12:00 noon--meat, baked beans, cheesy potato casserole and drinks will be provided
Home-Towner's--bring two side dishes and table service for your own family
Out-of-Towner's--bring desserts and table service for your own family
Business Meeting-immediately following lunch
Pay reunion bills (postage, groceries, rental)
"Newest Baby" and "Most Recent Newlyweds" in attendance will be awarded
Family with highest attendance percentage will be recognized
"Guessing Game" winners will be announced
Family History updates will be distributed-organized by Charlotte Krueger
Discussion of 61st Annual Meservey Family Reunion (August 14-15, 2010)
Family History updates-please bring 50 copies of any updates you'd like to share-Sunday afternoon
Counted items for "Guessing Game"-any items the kids (young and/or old) would enjoy winning
Everyone is invited to come visit Larry Meservey's Museum, located out back of his house on Saturday afternoon before the reunion or Sunday afternoon after the reunion.
We hope you can join us!
2009 Reunion Committee: Marshall Meservey Family
Co-Chairpersons: Jocelyn Meservey, Jimmy Meservey, Tammy (Harryman) Pettijohn